Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Chad's 1st and Foremost Birthday

Our little man finally broke through on the numerical age scale. As the party got underway, his response to being confined in his highchair was less than enthusiastic. Thankfully, everyone in the room simultaneously thought to start clapping and shouting "yay." Problem solved. On-lookers were impressed at how he could contain his excitement even while staring down the face of a chocolate tiger cake. Guests included his great-grandparents Bushman, Holly and the kids, Rob, Chris and Jen, and his also "great," but just "grandparents Johnson. He received lots of presents that he may someday appreciate; we can only hope.

Mary, Jen, and Grandma Johnson pulled out all the stops with this tasty creation.

Kady knew Chad wasn't an experienced enough "present opener" to handle an event of this magnitude. She gladly pitched in her special skills.


J-ME said...

I love 1st birthday's! Even though they don't seem to care or even know what's going on it's so much fun! You'll always remember it :) I also love the cake! Very cute. Speaking of cute... Have I mentioned how flippin adorable Chad is? :)

Katie McCaul said...

Happy Birthday Chad! Love the are a way better mom than me I had to buy one because I am not creative at all. I can't even believe he is a year it is pretty sad we have only seem him twice. He is looking so cute and big. Good luck guys. Reddek is almost two now and ya he is hitting the terrible twos I always thought he wouldn't get them because he was such a good baby and sweet, but no they come!

Ryan said...

Happy birthday big guy!! Holy cow...that year went by fast!! You all are looking great!

Kylie said...

Happy birthday Chad! I love the cake! Looks like you had a fun day!...hope all the dental interviews go well!